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Wednesday, 7 February 2018

On the up

For those who didn't know, I went to London last week and had the results from my MRI scan from last September. Scan showed lots of lesions in brain but we don't know how long they've been there. None of the lesions were active at the time of scan. Active means catching lymphocytes in action as they push through the blood brain barrier. I understand this can be picked up for 2 to 4 weeks during a typical relapse. So that's good news on one hand, or bad news from the point of view of ticking boxes to qualify for licensed treatments. Had my previous scan from 5 years ago with me, but apparently that's too long ago to usefully  compare with. Seems they keep on the case with yearly monitoring (at least of brain, spinal cord gets left out) up in the big city, down here life pootles on at a slower pace.....
So I now have a baseline scan for future monitoring. New lesions next time have to be from the last year.

In other news, had some more blood tests and am delighted to report that at last, two years post dimethylfumarate (Tecfidera), my total lymphocytes have leapt to a count of 0.9 good news indeed 😁 now waiting for an update to see if at long last I can start on off-label  cladribine injections.


  1. That's awesome about the blood results. Glad you turned it all into a post as well.xxx

    1. Yep, at last! I'm so pleased, had given up all hope tbh. I know I'm worsening fast and it's kinda been frustrating seeing all these effective new treatments that I've missed out on...
